With Jarrod working all summer long, we haven't been on any camping trips yet this summer. The kids have been missing out, so we set up the tent and they have spent the last two nights out on the porch. They think it's the coolest thing ever! May just be all the camping they get this summer. Except maybe in September. We do have a family reunion planned then.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Camping...Well the closest we've come to it this Summer!
Posted by Jarrod & Lisa at 8:13 AM 0 comments
It's a Zoo Around Here!
Posted by Jarrod & Lisa at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 12, 2010
No Relaxing Weekend
So, one of the things I admire most about Jarrod is that he is so driven. He never stops until he accomplishes what he wants. This weekend was a good example of that! He was so determined to get projects done around the house that we hardly had a moments rest. Friday night, after a long, exhausting day shopping at Home Depot, we came home and started painting the kitchen. The kids decided they didn't want to help, so they took off to spend the night at Grandma's. Jarrod started taping and prepping the kitchen around 6:30 and we painted until midnight. The next morning, he had me up bright and early. Saturday's project was painting the Master bedroom. That took all morning and into the early afternoon. I pooped out way early! It was a good thing that my mother in law came down and helped, or Jarrod might have noticed that I kept slipping away to go check facebook, or just sit down and take a break. That man about wore me out this weekend!
Guess maybe I should have put away the laundry, or cleared the couters before I took pictures, but like I said, I was pooped! These pictures will just have to do.
Posted by Jarrod & Lisa at 8:10 AM 0 comments
Posted by Jarrod & Lisa at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 8, 2010
So for some crazy reason, I decided to take the kids school shopping today without Jarrod. Don't know how he dodged that one, but he did. We had a lot of success shopping and finding some cute stuff for the upcoming school year, but I about went bonkers on Kamryn today. She was very umm..Challenging today to say the least. When we finally made it home tonight, Kinsley and Kamryn decided they were going to try on their new bathing suits. But before Kamryn tries hers on, she had to try to beat her brother with it first. As she is swinging the hanger and all at her brother, the two peices seperated (its a tankini), and I hear this blood curdling scream come from the other room...not from Karter either (even though he was the one being attacked with the hanger). No, it was from Kamryn! She comes running into the kitchen holding the two seperate peices of her bathing suit and crying, "Mommy, I broke my swim suit!" Apparently she didn't look too closely at it when we bought it. I had to explain to her that she hadn't broke it, but that it was supposed to be in two peices. Just when that little turkey about has me pulling my hair out, she does something cute like that to redeem herself.
Posted by Jarrod & Lisa at 10:15 PM 0 comments
This is old news, but I have to post it! Last November, a bunch of us girls got together and went to the midnight premier of New Moon. It was so much fun that we decided to make it a tradition. So with the release of Eclipse, we headed to the theatre again, only this year everything was bigger and better. We even had a friend make t-shirts for all of us to wear (Look how cute we all are). We all met at Eva's for dinner in Snowflake before heading to the movies in Show Low. Just like last year, we were able to watch the previous movies before the premier of the new one. It was so much fun hanging out with all the girls. Can't wait to do it all over again when Breaking Dawn comes out.
Posted by Jarrod & Lisa at 9:47 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Looking Good
Last year before Karter started Kindergarten, he decided he wanted to get his hair cut in a faux hock. After the first day of school, he came home and decided he didn't want it anymore, cause there was a little girl at school that was making fun of him. I tried to convince him that it was probably just because she liked him, but he didn't want to hear it. So, I was kind of suprised yesterday when he told me that he wanted to cut his hair this way again. Way to go buddy! Who cares what the mean little girl at school thinks. You rock the faux hock! Can't tell very well in the pictures, but they used a colored spiking gel, so his hair is 'metalic blue'. He couldn't wait to get home and show all his buddies and Grandma. He doesn't even want to swim today, cause he wants his dad to see it (and this guy loves to swim). Hopefully by the time school starts, it will grow out a little longer and we can have it cleaned up again. Looks pretty good though, and it is a huge improvement from his grown out shaggy look.
Posted by Jarrod & Lisa at 4:56 PM 0 comments
Celebrating our Independence
After the tournament, it was lunch time so we all headed up to the house, ate lunch and took a dip in the pool. Wish I had gotten more pictures, but I was too busy playing and having fun.
Posted by Jarrod & Lisa at 4:36 PM 0 comments